Fri, Feb, 2023 | Uncategorized
Inherent with the goal of commercialisation lies the problems of production and distribution methods and costs, which must be worked out before manufacturing begins. IVDR and FDA regulated companies are looking for a shorter and less costly pathway to...
Fri, Feb, 2023 | Uncategorized
The CE mark acts as a “trade passport” for the European marketplace, allowing manufacturers to freely circulate their product throughout the European Economic Area (EEA). CE marking is equivalent to a standardisation mark, and it is affixed to manufactured...
Fri, Feb, 2023 | Uncategorized
CE marking is equivalent to a standardisation mark, and it is affixed to manufactured products that comply with European standards. What is CE Marking Certification? CE stands for “Conformité Européenne,” and it is your certification that your product meets the...
Fri, Feb, 2023 | Uncategorized
You must have a CE Marking of conformity to sell medical device throughout the European Union. Medical and in vitro diagnostic device manufacturers that want to sell their products in the European Economic Area must follow regulatory regulations to ensure their...
Fri, Feb, 2023 | Uncategorized
Ensuring global distribution and fulfillment of specimen-based genetic and diagnostic medical kits is essential. Two companies have partnered to meet the challenge worldwide. Strategic alliance Titan Solutions, based in Ireland, and The Allied Group, based in Rhode...